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So Dez 20, 2015 10:43 am
Clarity Den letzten Beitrag anzeigen
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We just know a few things about the middle ages, but we know enough to make some roleplays. Even if we use some modern words and we don't take it too serious, that the rules in the middle ages were really strictly. You couldn't be gay and you couldn't love your brother. But we broke both rules, and with that began a beautiful love in the middle ages, and that's why I adore all of these roleplays. There is drama, sex and love as well, and it is just awesome as hell.
9253Guide me
So Jun 28, 2015 12:11 pm
Yuna Den letzten Beitrag anzeigen
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New Ages

It's not all about the videos on youtube or the livestream on myvideo, no. Sometimes it is just a wild night or a lovely evening. Here we have a few roleplays in the new ages, mostly all about hating and loving. There were some overdoses we couldn't handle, so some things broke very fast. It's like when someone out of your family bought a new vase. You just look at it, and it breaks. Sounds weird, and of course it is. But now we all get probably now what I just said.
234take care xoxo
Fr Mai 30, 2014 1:51 pm
Yuna Den letzten Beitrag anzeigen
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