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 Nasty (short)

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 236
Anmeldedatum : 02.04.14
Alter : 25
Ort : Hamburg

Nasty (short) Empty
BeitragThema: Nasty (short)   Nasty (short) Icon_minitime1Mi Sep 17, 2014 12:45 am

„I know why you are here“, he whispered, while a smile crossed his lips. He knew everything, and he was able to control this situation. But his little toy wasn't really able to speak without any permission of his master. That made the older one laughing. „Are you afraid? You don't have to be, my little love. Tell me your desire.“ The smile was gone, and a grin showed up. But he was still quiet. His eyes went to the dark sky above them. It wasn't pouring anymore, but it was drizzeling. And that caused the younger man a wet shirt. It was possible, to see his perfect body without him being nacked. Even if the older wanted him that way. He wanted him nacked, dirty, and obediently. „I am thirsty, my love“, he said while putting two fingers under his chin, after he started starring at the ground, to press his head a little bit up. „I am thirsty. And horny“, he smiled. „And you will help me with this two problems.“ „Of course, master.“
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